Chiropractic Care for Auto Accident Injury

An auto accident injury can cause serious injuries and should be taken seriously. Depending on the angle in which the car was hit, several injuries may arise after the auto accident. However, not all symptoms will show up immediately, and you may not be aware of the severity of your injury until the inflammation has decreased. On occasion, a victim of an auto accident may not reach out for treatment because they don't feel symptoms immediately. This is what doctors refer to as a "silent threat." One of the most common auto accident injuries happens to the neck. This auto accident injury is called whiplash, which typically occurs when a car is rear-ended. When a person's head is suddenly forced to move in any direction, it can cause severe damage to the neck muscles, ligaments, and tissues that connect to the upper back.
After an auto accident, it is extremely important to seek medical attention for any injury that you may or may not feel immediately after the auto accident. The longer you go without seeking treatment, the more complications may arise, and the more likely they may become permanent injuries. In fact, many whiplash victims settled their insurance claims after an accident before they realize that they still suffer from the symptoms of the auto accident. Their mistake was not getting checked right away. This why it's important to get a medical check-up immediately after and a few days after your auto accident. Even if you may not be in pain at that moment, it is better to be safe than sorry.
To schedule an appointment for a medical check-up after an auto accident, call Align Medical & Chiropractic in Surprise at (623) 229-6193 today.
The first step to pain relief after an auto accident is to schedule a consultation in our Surprise office to discuss the specifics of your condition. Schedule an appointment at Align Medical & Chiropractic in Surprise today!
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